

GDPR - Terms of use & rights

Booking-solutions.gr uses "cookies" to improve the user experience based on the legislation of the European Union which is necessary. Cookies are essential files for specific functions of the website, as they ensure its proper operation.

In case you do not wish with these terms then please leave our page. However, if you click "ACCEPT" then you automatically declare that you accept the terms of use and the use of cookies on our pages as well as that you agree with the new European GDPR directive.

European Union Directive
"The storage of information or the acquisition of access to already stored information in the subscriber or user terminal equipment is allowed only if the specific subscriber or user has given his consent after clear and extensive information according to par. 1 of article 11 of law 2472 / 1997, as in force. The subscriber or user consent can be given through appropriate settings in the web browser or through another application. The above does not preclude any technical storage or access, the sole purpose of which is to transmit a communication through an electronic communications network or which is necessary to provide an information society service expressly requested by the user or the subscriber. By act of the Personal Data Protection Authority (APDPX) are defined in particular the ways of providing information and declaration of consent ".
The European Directive 2009/136 / EC concerning the amendment of Directive 2002/58 / EC on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the field of electronic communications has recently been transposed into Greek law. The integration took place through Law 4070/2012 (Regulations of Electronic Communications, Transport, Public Works and other provisions), which in turn amends the current Law 3471/2006 (on the protection of personal data and privacy in the sector electronic communications).
According to the amendment, the current par. 5 of no. 4 on "privacy":
"It is prohibited to use electronic communications networks to store information or gain access to information stored on the subscriber or user terminal equipment, in particular by installing spyware, hidden identifiers, and other similar devices. Exceptionally, any storage or access of a technical nature, the sole purpose of which is to facilitate or facilitate the transmission of communication via an electronic communications network or which is necessary only to provide a service to the information society which it has expressly requested the user or subscriber. In the latter case, the use of such provisions is allowed only if the specific subscriber or user is provided with clear and extensive information, in accordance with Article 11 of Law 2472/1997, as in force, and the data controller gives the subscriber or user the right refuse this processing. By way of an act of the Personal Data Protection Authority, the ways of providing information, granting the right of refusal or request for consent are defined in particular. "
Amended, corresponding to no. 5, par. 3 of Directive 2009/136 / EC as follows:
"The storage of information or the acquisition of access to already stored information in the subscriber or user terminal equipment is allowed only if the specific subscriber or user has given his consent after clear and extensive information according to par. 1 of article 11 of law 2472 / 1997, as in force. The subscriber or user consent can be given through appropriate settings in the web browser or through another application. The above does not preclude any technical storage or access, the sole purpose of which is to transmit a communication via an electronic communications network or which is necessary to provide an information society service expressly requested by the user or the subscriber. By act of the Personal Data Protection Authority (APDPX) are defined in particular the ways of providing information and declaration of consent ".

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets out measures to be taken to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data. The way in which organizations will manage the data of their employees, customers, and associates is defined and concerns all persons residing in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Personal data is any type of information that can,


About us

The company has been active in the field of hotel managment and bookings since 2013 with the main purpose of simplifying actions and parameters related to small and medium hotels.


No technical skills needed or any particular knowledge from the user.

All settings are made by our technicians.

Telephone contact

 Athens Partners
 (+30)  211-234-4941 

 Technical assistance
 (+30)  211-234-4890 
 Chania - Crete
 (+30)  282-150-1199